Charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI)?
Protect your driving privileges!
Are you searching for a criminal defense attorney in Palm Beach who has the experience and skills necessary to fight your DUI charges? Look no further than the Law Office of Michael Mirer, P.A. Our team is dedicated to defending the rights and futures of individuals who have been charged with DUI and other driving-related offenses.
An individual can be arrested for DUI if they are found driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08%-regardless of whether or not they were actually "drunk." Florida law states that if you drive a vehicle, you have automatically given consent to submit to a chemical test that determines the amount of alcohol in your blood.
Refusal to submit to a chemical test results in automatic license suspension. First time offenders will face a 1-year license suspension, while 2nd and 3rd-time offenders may be subject to an 18 month license suspension.
Get Effective Representation at Your DHSMV Hearing
If you are arrested for DUI, you will have 10 days to contact the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) to request an administrative hearing. At this hearing, you will have the opportunity to defend against a license suspension and revocation, which is why it is important to act fast and contact our firm immediately after being arrested. If you retain our services, we can schedule your DHSMV hearing for you and represent you at the hearing.
Oftentimes, individuals believe there is nothing they can do to challenge their DUI, and they simply accept their penalties. However, there are many methods that can be used to counter a DUI charge.
DUI charges are commonly dismissed due to the following reasons:
- The law enforcement officer did not have reasonable cause to pull the individual over in the first place.
- The law enforcement officer did not properly administer the chemical or field sobriety test.
- The blood sample was handled improperly.
- Surrounding conditions made the results of a sobriety test faulty. This may include poor weather conditions, bumpy, slippery, or cracked roads, insufficient lighting, and more.
Any of these circumstances could serve as grounds to dismiss the validity of your test results, leaving the prosecution without evidence to convict you.
Proven Defense from Our Palm Beach DUI Lawyer & Former Prosecutor
At our firm, we are not afraid to challenge the methods used by the arresting law enforcement officer, or to contest the evidence brought forth by the prosecution. With experience as a Miami-Dade Assistant State Attorney, our DUI defense lawyer maintains an in-depth understanding from both sides of the courtroom. With more than 100 courtroom trials under his belt, our attorney is prepared to take on even the most complex DUI and seemingly insurmountable cases.
We provide free initial, no-obligation consultations.
Call us today to see how we may be able to protect your license, driving record, and insurance rates.
Why Does Experience Matter?
Choosing the right lawyer can make all the difference with the outcome of your case.
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How Can You Help Me?
If you've been arrested for a crime, contact us to begin working on your defense.